Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Where to begin

Well for the past 8 months or so I've been trying to think of where to begin, at last I think I've found the answer. Drinking a coffee, looking at sopped in clouds and the first flakes of (very wet) snow fall down.

It was around 8 months ago that my friend Bryan encouraged me to keep blogging with his simple comment of 'I enjoyed reading about your time in Panama and your reflections on God - you should keep writing a blog'. I jumped on the idea and created this blog, and then waited for the 'perfect' 1st entry. And waited, and waited. Perfect entries came and went yet I did nothing about them.

I think I realized that my fear was that if I started with something grand I would need to keep that up.

Yet the reality is that some of the best moment comes while drinking a cup of coffee (or a meditative walk, reading a book, talking with friends/family etc...) and not holding a worship service in the depths of an ancient Mayan underworld sacrificial site (that was almost my 1st entry....) or other such 'perfect' moments...

So here I am, hoping to start up again. Currently just enjoying having temporarily lost my phone and being able to take time to read, study, prepare sermons and have a cup of coffee.

See you next time